Node SDK

Interface CheckpointData


  • Namespace
  • Variable
  • Function
  • Function with type parameter
  • Type alias
  • Type alias with type parameter
  • Interface
  • Interface with type parameter
  • Property
  • Enumeration
  • Class

Used to manually checkpoint in a pipeline step. It's only rarely used in more advanced cases where one waits until the end of a pipeline to checkpoint manually.

Let's assume that we are reading from an upstream queue that we want to checkpoint to and keep track of where we've read to. Let's assume that we are aggregating events from the upstream queue and turing say 10 events from the upstream queue into just 1 event that we write to the downstream queue. In this case, we would probably wait until we've done the aggregation. When we checkpoint, we would set the units to 10, we'd set the started_timestampand ended_timestamp to the first/last event timestamps of the 10 respectively and we'd set the `start_eid to the first event event IDs respectively.


StreamUtil.stats A function that can be called to set the checkpoint.


StatsStream Creates a pipeline step that you can use to get/set checkpoints manually


  • CheckpointData



eid: string

The exact event ID to checkpoint

ended_timestamp?: number

Read the comment on this interface to understand what this is

source_timestamp?: number

The timestamp of the very first event that made it to a queue of the bus that then flowed down the bus to get to here. This allows the bus to compute source lag times. Each derivative event that flows down the bus should track this and pass it along as events flow/are derived and flow down the bus.

start_eid?: string

Read the comment on this interface to understand what this is

started_timestamp?: number

Read the comment on this interface to understand what this is

units?: number

Read the comment on this interface to understand what this is

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