Node SDK

Interface BatchOptions


  • Namespace
  • Variable
  • Function
  • Function with type parameter
  • Type alias
  • Type alias with type parameter
  • Interface
  • Interface with type parameter
  • Property
  • Enumeration
  • Class

Used in pipeline operations to tell the SDK to micro-batch events received in one pipeline step before sending them to the next pipeline step.

The SDK will send events to the next pipeline step as soon as one of the count, bytes or time constraints are met.


[[EnrichOptions.batch]] Good doc on using this.


  • BatchOptions



bytes?: number

The number of bytes of events to micro-batch up before sending them to the next step in the pipeline



count?: number

The number of events to micro-batch before sending them to the next step in the pipeline

field?: string

If micro-batching on number of bytes, then you may optionally set this to be the name of the field in the event that you wish to have used exclusively to count towards to the total number of bytes. This isn't used except in uncommon circumstances where one field alone should control the micro-batching since its size will impact the amount of time the next pipeline step takes to proces.



time?: DurationInputArg1

The amount of time to wait, micro-batching events up before sending them to the next step in the pipeline

Note, this type is any one of the valid durations the Moment JS library can take: Duration | number | string | FromTo | DurationInputObject.

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