Node SDK

Interface ProcessCallbackOptions


  • Namespace
  • Variable
  • Function
  • Function with type parameter
  • Type alias
  • Type alias with type parameter
  • Interface
  • Interface with type parameter
  • Property
  • Enumeration
  • Class

Super powerful and convenient options to override per event should you want them. Perhaps doing an enrich and all events are going from queue A to queue B but this one event is an error, so you can specificy that the event should be sent to the dead letter queue instead of the queue it would go to normally.




eid?: string

Lets you set this one event's event ID manually

event?: string

Do not use

event_source_timestamp?: number

Lets you set the timestamp of the first event that made it to the bus that eventually led to this event being created as a derivative in one manner or another.

queue?: string

An override for which queue this event will go to (doesn't work when using useS3: true)

units?: number

Lets you set the number of parent events this one event has derived from, aggregating N previous event into this one event where N is units

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